"Mi Cama" (My Bed) October 2023
Primarily Second Hand and Found Objects, Wood, Rabbit Skin Glue, Plaster, Metal, Childhood Charms, Fabric, Lace, and Wire
To convey my complicated relationship with comfort I created an unsettling yet soothing bed discussing the implications of religion on my life. With the idea of the bed comes thoughts of nightly prayer, comfort, relationships, rest and guilt. The upholding of virginity guards ideas of rest and comfort in my life. Religion is comforting and hurtful to my life as it’s guided and set me back. The nightly prayer my mom kept on the wall is rested on the pillows to convey my foundation in religion. I really enjoyed experimenting with mold-able plaster for this piece and exploring syncretism and my ideas of comfort and self-condemnation.
"Mi Jardín Recogido" (My Collected Garden)
March 2024

Found objects , wire, metal, wood, paper & 2nd hand materials
Created for CCAs sustainability show. I surround myself in the comfort of what I know. I collaborated with my dad to construct the shelf that holds my garden. Inside my garden I sit in the reflections of familiar religious imagery and wire fences.
"My Nest" Sculptural Stop Motion
 November 2023 (1:32)
"My Nest” follows the climb to reach my seclusion, whilst my brother narrates the conversation with a game of hide-and-seek. Created of mostly second-hand materials, transformed and created by hand. "My Nest" combines stop motion, in and out of studio, with mixed media stitched paper animation to convey feelings of self-isolation and religious injury.
The warmth is given to me Through patterns and distant memories Sewn on by distressed hands that made time to care, But with the sewn love that brought blood I can still feel so cold With the cloth of a fake cross and photos I wish to go back to sleep
The warmth is given to me Through patterns and distant memories Sewn on by distressed hands that made time to care, But with the sewn love that brought blood I can still feel so cold With the cloth of a fake cross and photos I wish to go back to sleep
"The Warmth is Given to Me" February 2023
second hand materials sewn together
A handmade quilt reflecting and offering to my childhood, I spent a lot of time hand sewing this piece and experimenting with new methods of sewing and printing. The meaning changed for me along the way as I learned to repurpose and reflect on these religious motifs that have always been in my work.
Quilt displayed at CCA Hooper Atrium Spring 2023

"Juros Colgados" (Hanging Oaths)
December 2023
ceramic glaze & lace
Mis alimentos colgados, regalos y juros simbólicos.
On Display at Oakland gallery 5831 San Pablo Ave

"Cucharas Para Mi Mamá" (Spoons for my mother) March 2023
5 spoons dedicated to my mom and her children
Hand carved, sanded, and stained
"Sunday Breakfast" on display in CCA Nave
"Sunday Breakfast" on display in CCA Nave
Milli and Angela during molding process
Milli and Angela during molding process

"Sunday Breakfast" February 2023
Found objects, Plaster, Clay
I created my family’s Sunday Breakfast to manage and discuss my misogynistic religious upbringing. I decided to mold and plaster my best friend Milli's chest because they were the first person to teach me to be comfortable in my body. Growing up in the church my body was given a brand, to be used to honor the lord and only be a vessel. This piece is a sculpture of healing for me.

"Painting Cat" February 2024
Found Objects sculpture for Children's Creativity museums Still Life interactive exhibit.
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